一年多前,一隻野生母獵豹在南非西開普敦的Garden Route Game Lodge誕下了4隻幼崽,不過由於它通常只能喂飽兩隻幼崽,而且這些小傢伙在前16周的死亡率極高,所以任職護林員的Hein Schoeman與他的妻子Kim決定領養其中兩隻,和自家3歲大的兒子Malan還有1歲的女兒Kayla一起養大,直到它們足夠強壯和獨立,再放歸野外。
艾瑞克·麦柯马克 Eric McCormack和他的兒子Finnigan Holden McCormack, (born 1 July 2002 in Los Angeles)Named his son Finnigan after the puppet in "Mr. Dressup" (1967). He refers to his acting repertoire as his "tickle trunk" also from that show.
艾瑞克·麦柯马克 Eric McCormack和他的兒子Finnigan Holden McCormack, (born 1 July 2002 in Los Angeles)Named his son Finnigan after the puppet in "Mr. Dressup" (1967). He refers to his acting repertoire as his "tickle trunk" also from that show.